As for the maiden post of HoneyHushHush, I decided to do a movie review on the most overrated film of all time, AVATARD, yeah TARD for retards.
Here are several reasons why AVATARD sucks
1. James Cameron stole from Square Enix

Visual information of Navi. Sorry Kimahri Ronso, FYL fug ur life
Visual information of the Ronso race from FF-X. Is this Jake or some other random blue cat people, I can't tell because I couldn't bear wasting my brain space to store shit from this movie?
Nice name for a race anyway Cameron, Nazi opps my bad... Navi really sounds good, Hitler would be proud.
2. Excellent storyline
Apparently Cameron can’t stop his bad habit of plagiarizing and stealing from other sources. The storyline of AVATARD is basically ‘The Last Samurai’, 'Dances with Wolves' and ‘Pocahontas’. A foreign gwailo or race from planet X / country Y would be ‘captured’ while attempting to infiltrate some random community of weirdoes. During his ‘friendly’ stay as a Prisoner-Of-War, he would learn about the beauty and wonder of his captives and then turn his back on his former allegiance. Following that he would fight his former people and through some sheer-unbelievable luck, he would win OR at least make it out alive. Now here’s why Cameron treats us all as retards, YOU EXPECT US TO BELIEVE THE HUMANS WOULD LOSE TO A PRIMITIVE RACE USING MERELY BOWS AND ARROWS? If YES, then dear Cameron, why the fuck did you take so much effort to come up with the concept of giant Mech bots, mounted turrets and specialized missile gunships in the first place?
3. $20million a FUCKING KG???????
Dude if unobtainium is worth $20 million/kg, I WOULDN'T EVEN BOTHER NEGOTIATING WITH THE NATIVES OR TRY TO WIN THEIR HEARTS. What's with this bullshit of teaching them English, giving them gifts or exchanging of culture. Please don't smokescreen us with crap like 'The shareholders are not pleased with using violence as it makes them look bad'. FUCK YOU _|_ + FUCK YOU very very muchhhh. At $20 million/kg, I think the shareholders would even send King Leonidas and Achilles to Pandora to wipe out all the Nazis, NO QUESTIONS ASKED! As 50kgs of that rock is worth $1billion, the entire land which the Hometree stood on would probably yield AT LEAST a few trillion$$$$. Yeah that is about the GDP of the entire USA in a fiscal year and SOOOO cute the HUMANS are trying TO NEGOTIATE HAHAHAHHAHAH effing joke!
madness???? THIS IS PANDORAAAAAAA!!!!!!
4. Year 2154
Seriously what's with the idea of flying a BOMBER in to destroy the Tree of Souls? That is so WW2, like using the B-29 to drop fatman and littleboy on Japan. At 2154, I expect the humans to pull off an exceptionally well-aimed tactical nuclear/antimatter ICBM at the Tree of Souls. In fact it's because the humans used this half-assed bomber that Jake had the chance to sabotage the exercise and screw up their grand plans TO SAVE THE DAY. Once again Cameron takes us for morons.
Jake practicing his jump: ORD LOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a) Graphics
b) Because everybody watched it, you bo pian have to watch (I love peer pressure)
c) Hate Titanic and want to topple its world record
d) First time wearing 3D googles
e) All of the above
ur doing it wrong gaga
What I liked about AVATARD
1. The Hometree going down, down, down, down, down... DOWN!!!!!! DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!
Hmmm if the hometree goes down, does it count as the Scourge's victory???
2. Blue cat heroine crying like her CNY TOTO draw missed a single digit when her father ORDed
HUAT AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. The Nazis doing their CULT-dance to save the female researcher and Jake
For 300MANA, we can heal Jake of his insanity.
Is there anybody out there who thinks AVATARD is a piece of shit too?
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