This quote is copied/sharingan’ed from Agnes Ho’s facebook profile. If you guys have no idea who Agnes is, No…. she is not the irritant from Despicable me, she is Singapore’s Ayumi Hamasaki, the person who sprouts words of wisdom like ‘我觉得我要死了… 我的心很痛’while playing Mah Jong.

sorry Agnes, hahahaha
I really like this quote, ‘Live Fast, Die Young’, its in-line with my thoughts and sentiments regarding Life.
I don’t know about you but personally for me, I am not afraid of Death. The only thing I am afraid of is ‘Dying with Regrets’.
some cats have suicidal tendencies
How do you die without regrets? Simple, just live your life to the fullest.
To list it down in points, here is a rough guide which has been governing my life thus far.
1. Try
You need to try anything and everything. Of course don’t attempt anything taboo, illegal or career/life threatening though…
if he lau-chiew, he will ROD, not ORD.
huat my life...
When I say try anything and everything, I mean you must be willing to embrace new things.
This is exceptionally critical because unlike the other points I’m going to state later, this one is Time-Sensitive.
I will turn 22 this November. In my workplace, I am the perhaps the youngest. You can almost sense the indubitable admiration/desire of colleagues around you who wish they could be young once again.
It’s the same for me when I look at students donning their school uniforms. I was once like them, I was once 16. I was once living without having to worry about financials, worry about career, worry about love, worry about health etc…
japanese xmm
When you reach a certain age, look back and regret because you have not done enough, you deserve it!
Mark my words, you only have yourself to blame.
I have friends who are of the same age as me never having stepped into clubs like Zouk, Dbl O, Butterfactory and Supperclub before.
I have friends who don’t know what anime is.
I have friends who don’t know what Dota stands for.
I have friends who don’t know who the heck is Cristiano Ronaldo.
don't worry, you will know who I am after I'm done with this free kick
In fact I challenge you to challenge me, doesn’t matter if you are male or female.
Throw something at me, chances are I have done it before, either that or I have AT LEAST some slight/minimal knowledge about it (probably read about it before or learnt about its existence from a friend… its important to not be completely oblivious about something). If I don’t fulfill the both conditions stated above, I WILL BE WILLING TO TRY IT.
Gaming – check
Nightlife – check
Reading – check
Blogging - check
Investing – check
Music/Band - check
Anime/Cosplay – check
Fashion/Beauty – check
Politics/Current Affairs - check
Sports/Martial Arts – check
Gambling – check
Fine dining/Binge eating – check
Studies - check
Other recreational/leisure activities - check
Use your friends to help you. Nobody is perfect and will ever be. Roger Federer may be Tennis God but he would probably get his assed kicked in Tekken 6 by any regular Bugis arcade goer.
don't mess with uncle Kazuya
In my group for example, I am very open to absorbing knowledge from my friends. Its ok man, there is nothing to be ashamed of when you learn from someone superior to you.
Serious Cat TW good in fitness/sports/nightlife – I talk to him and learn more
Chin Nam good at fashion/hair-styling/CYBASTALKING!!! – LEARN
Woon good at music/writing/otakuness/being a xiaopang – LEARN
Benji good at politics/history/current affairs – LEARN
Emooo Cow good at photography/gaming – LEARN
Yo Long good with computers/card-tricks – KIV
Jeremy Yay The Foodblader good at online marketing – KIV
Nich good with investing – KIV
Ellson good at making money in online poker - KIV
Jinn good at getting cheated by girls and feeding in Dota – DON’T LEARN ALSO
Ronald good for being a Halfpuf – AVOID!!!
KIV means KEEP IN VIEW. We each have 24 hours a day, now might not be a good time to learn about affiliate marketing from Jeremy or investing from Nich because of time constraints but in the future, things might change.
Your only limitation is you.
As mentioned earlier, I will be hitting 22 soon.
Here is my ‘To-do list’ before I become old and unsexy (new word).
a) Cosplay with my friends. I must do it while I'm still young, I don't see myself cosplaying when I hit 24 or 25? That would just be retarded and you will hear alot of people saying, 'Dude.. Get a Life already'. (I mean come on… you all don’t wanna see Woon cosplay as MENG HUO or ZHANG FEI??? That would be E-P-I-K)
si angmohs cosplaying the 3SHU brothers
this is not cosplay, this is cosfail
Hit the gyms. I promised TW that, I have not forgotten my promise.
Project Make-Over. In Progress, awaiting the return of Shion.
Stage a Hangover trip with my friends. (Country – Undecided yet)
NOT YOU FAT JESUS!!!! best quote in the movie
Shion once said something really meaningful which I want to share with my readers.
Now that we are young, whatever we want to wear, can wear, we should do so.
Because next time when you are much older, even if you are willing to wear, nobody would bother looking.
god my eyes...
If I died tomorrow would I have any regrets?
Yes of course, I would have regrets. There are still many things in Life I have yet to have accomplished. I would go with a small smile, not a big one.
But how about we pose this question to a RI or Hwa Chong Student/Nerd?
He/She would have a FUCKLOAD of regrets considering that the majority of his/her life was spent on studying and trading off with leisure/relaxation/enjoyment. Yup, dying before you land that highly coveted lawyer or politician job, suck it lol! This person would go with a massive frown in his/her grave.
As you can see, the trick to Life is to die happy, die without regrets.
2. Eat anything that moves
my master
I classify things into 2 categories, either EDIBLE or INEDIBLE.
Look at the computer, OK ITS INEDIBLE.
Look at that calculator, OK ITS INEDIBLE.
Look at those chikin nuggets, EDIBLE.
Look at that plate of Sambal Kang Kong, SUPREMELY EDIBLE!!!!!
put this infront of me = GG!!!
Look at that dumbfuck who bought 6 boots of speed in Dota, EDIBLE.
Always remember, as long as it moves, IT CAN BE EATEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a silent respect for vegetarians. Abstaining from meat is an arduous and gargantuan task. But I also want to let you guys know that for every animal you don’t eat, I will eat three.
How to piss a vegetarian off 101?
a) Call them Vegetables instead of Vegetarians. Act like you
‘Ohhhhh you are a vegetable ah…. Ok lor later we go subway for lunch ba…’
b) Use Hokkien.
‘Siao eh, you are JIAK CAO one ah???’
To gain a higher score, end off with a ‘MOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo’.
my cousin
Seriously… why am I so fucking godly?
Asking me to go VEGE is like asking Michael Bay to direct a movie without explosions.
Not going to happen.
On a more serious note, eating whatever we can while we are young is because as we age, we will tend to be more health-conscious.
My Dad has gout and thus his diet is controlled. I don’t want to reach a point in my life whereby I’m hit with a medical condition which restricts what I can eat and have regrets about not eating those when I was younger.
I eat what I like so next time if I can’t; at least I was once able to.
Unfortunately for me, whatever I like to eat is deemed UNHEALTHY.
Sam’s favorites 101
Sambal Kang Kong
Cockles aka Sea Hum
Intestines of any kind, even humans muahahaha
Livers of any kind, humans included, do I have to repeat...
Those fried fishes with a lot of eggs in it, forgot the name.
Any fast-food, I love eating fast-food esp Super Dog and Popeyes.
what is the name of this fish, its my favourite!
Ever questioned the need for a last meal in prisons before the day of execution? IT’S SO THE DEATHROW PRISONER DIE ALSO CAN DIE UNTIL SONG SONG HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
But then again if they give me a last meal, it’s damn easy, just 5kgs of Sambal Kang Kong and 3kgs of Sea Hum can le.
can you resist?
To Live Fast and Die Young, you must be true to yourself. I have a very strong character, I don’t believe in taking shit from anybody, not from parents, superiors, teachers, friends etc…
If I hate you, I won’t bother mincing my words or put it across to you tactfully. I will either just tell you straight in the face to FUCK OFF or avoid you completely.
No, I won’t backstab you or play politics, that’s just not my style.
Love me Hate me, it’s your choice, my pleasure.
I may not die rich, I may not die good-looking and I may not die with tons of friends mourning for me but hey… At least I die with a character I can call, my own.